Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Story by: Sara, Age 3

A Story

by: Sara, age 3

I lost my barrette on the playground.  A cat came down from the trees and took it.  Then he climbed up the slide and went back into the forest.  Maybe it was an armadillo.

The End

I've always wondered what happened to her barrettes.

Monday, May 21, 2012

According to my son, do you know why we planted garlic in the garden?  To repel vampires, of course.

Strike a Pose

I only specified that he had to have shoes on both feet before we left.  Next time, I added, "the same kind!".

Monster Bait

Trey, Sara, and I went to the grocery store yesterday, and I let them pick out some "fun" cheese (It beats picking out candy.).  Sara chose string cheese and Trey chose Mickey Mouse shaped cheese.  When we got home, I told them to put their packages of cheese in the refrigerator and they did.  However, when we opened the car door this morning, the aroma of nicely sunned cheese overwhelmed us all.  We found cheese on both car seats and tucked into the handle of the door.  I asked them "Why?".  They said that the cheese was to attract the monsters.  I asked why they would want to attract the monsters.  They said, "to scare the bad guys!".  Oh, of course.  I should have known. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cute, but Dangerous

I was working on the computer and Trey came around the corner yelling, "Mom, look at this! Look at this!".  I turned around and he was playing his guitar with junior rock musician face and all.  He did it for several minutes and finished with a flourish.  I looked at him and said,"Buddy, you're cute."  He said (very indignantly, I might add), "I'm not cute.  I'm DANGEROUS!" Cute, dangerous, whatever fits the situation...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Here Comes Trouble!

This is why my husband thinks we are in serious trouble.  His solution?  Knock out her teeth and shave her hair.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Know Letters, Have Bag, Will Travel

The kids and I were in the car running errands and I was trying to prepare Sara to go to "school" on Thursday.  I told her what a good time she would have, and we talked about all the things she might do.  I, apparently, did a great job of talking it up because Sara announced that she wanted to go to school "right now".  I told her that she couldn't.  She asked why.  I told her that she just couldn't yet, and she fired back triumphantly with, "But Mommy, I know my letters and I have my bag!" How can you argue with that? 

Harriet Potter?

While I was unloading things from the car when we got home today, Sara picked up a straw, waved it at the sky, and yelled, "Expecto patronum!"  I asked her what she was doing (I don't learn.), and she told me that she was expecto patronuming the turkey buzzard so he wouldn't get the chickens.  I told her that the turkey buzzard didn't want to get the chickens, so she promptly turned around and expecto patronumed the cat.

Move over Danny Trejo

My son is obsessed with machetes.  I am not talking about "interested in" or "likes".  I am talking "obsessed".  He talks about chopping things from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed EVERY day.  Periodically, I have to ban him from saying the words "chop" or "machete" for a few hours simply to maintain my sanity.  We have Grandad to thank for this because Grandad bought Trey his first machete.  One of Trey's most impressive talents is the ability to focus on something he likes.  He manages to make every conversation about machetes.  For instance, Sara announced that she is going to grow up, get married, and have lots of kids.  Trey replied, "I don't want to have kids because they might want to play with my machete."