Saturday, August 25, 2012

Snow White Visits On The Border

  We received a couple of bags of hand-me downs from friends, and Sara found a Snow White costume at the bottom of the bags.  She latched onto the costume and wore it for 24 hours straight. I did not think that I was going to be able to get it away from her to wash it.  When she put it on, she told me, "Mom, I am wearing Snow White's dress, but I am still Sara."  ...just in case I was confused.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What do you want to be when you grow up?

We were driving to town the other day and both kids were whispering to each other in the back seat.  After a few minutes of intense whispered debate, Trey announced, "I want to be a Jedi Knight when I grow up!" I know its hard to imagine, but I wasn't particularly shocked at his career choice considering that I have been living Star Wars since the child discovered it.  However, a few seconds later, Sara piped up with, "...and I want to be an Icee store owner!". Have I mentioned that she is 3?